The Collaborative Approach

Aligned2 leverages a collaborative executive coaching process that spans a minimum of 10 weeks. Each coaching relationship is customized to the entrepreneur or executive, beginning with goal-setting that aligns to your unique business outcomes using self and coach assessments. These assessments also serve as measurement tools throughout the program, and allow your coach to identify the right self-use tools to hone your leadership skills.

The collaborative process is propelled by executive openness and candid coach feedback. Honest and transparent conversations are critical to a successful executive-coach relationship. Often, executives rarely share company concerns or personal criticisms; executive coaching is about embracing these hard conversations and transforming into opportunities.

Our goal is to take you through a program that realizes your full professional potential and teaches you to anticipate, make and implement decisions that are best for the growth and health of your organization.

Real World Experiences

Aligned2’s founder has 30-plus years leading start-up companies from inception to acquisition to integration, particularly those focused on cyber security and enterprise technology. Aligned2’s founder weds his real-world business acumen with executive coaching, a valuable combination for clients based on his experience starting and selling multiple companies, including Knowledge Consulting Group where he presided over the company’s growth from one to 250+ employees before selling for $68 million.

Aligned2’s real-world business acumen is a valuable resource for coaching sponsors such as venture capital and private equity organizations who seek positive returns on investments. By fostering collaborative coaching, Aligned2 helps entrepreneurs enhance how they engage executive colleagues and how they establish their enterprise decision-making processes.

Benefits of Executive Coaching

The skills needed to build a company that lasts for the next decade requires investment in its leaders. Many entrepreneurs miss opportunities to engage executive coaches early in their careers or in their company’s development when they’d benefit most because they are preserving resources. However, American Management Association finds that companies that use coaching reported stronger market performance. Participation in executive coaching leads to immediate benefits, encouraging many entrepreneurs and leaders to engage in the process.

Executive coaching helps entrepreneurs enhance how they engage executive colleagues and how they establish their enterprise decision-making processes. It improves relationships between managers and staff, providing the skills needed to effectively lead your team. Coaching outcomes mean better decision making, more self-confidence, and deeper focus.

Engage in executive coaching to maximize your potential, and learn to listen, anticipate and respond as a leader.